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Mike Langford and Jackie Ranken are award winning  photographers who teach amateur and professional photographers about photographing the  New Zealand landscape. 

Based in Queenstown, they run 5 hour Photo Safaris to Paradise valley, the Rees Valley, The Nevis valley and Skippers Canyon.


Skippers Canyon

5 hours of Photography Guiding + tuition. $380.00 per person

or take up to four photographers for NZ$1020.00

your guides are Award winning Photographers Mike Langford or Jackie Ranken. 

The landscape throughout Skippers Canyon, once the richest gold mining area in the world, is ruggedly spectacular and best seen in autumn when the trees are ablaze with colour and in Summer when the light can reach deep into the valley turning the Shotover River into a blue azure strip of colour. Our four wheel drive (4WD) Photo Safari follows the narrow winding road that serviced the gold fields, once home to thousands of miners. All that remains of this era is a beautifully restored School House and the sculptured landforms produced by the gold diggings.  

Your tutors Mike Langford or Jackie Ranken will help you learn how to take your camera off automatic and to fully utilise your camera in a practical and logical way. Much of the day is spent discussing composition and solving any photographic problem that arises. The day is spent photographing in places suited to the weather conditions, allowing everyone time and circumstance to express their own vision, and at the same time receive constructive and appropriate critiques of their images.

Canon EOS 80D, EOS R cameras available for use if needed (at no extra cost).

Departure times can be customised to suit your photographic goals.

Pickup and drop back to your accommodation.

Price includes: Travel, tuition, photography notes and a hot drink and muffin.


25 September 3-April 1.00pm-6.00pm 


4 April- 22 May 12.00pm-5.00pm

The best way to learn about Photography is to be guided through  a range of photographic ideas and then receive immediate and appropriate feedback from your highly experienced and awarded instructor /guides. Mike and Jackie offer photography instruction, they do not just take you to places. 

What you'll Need

  • hat, walking shoes and clothes that suit the weather

  • water bottle

  • sun screen

  • insect repellent